terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012

The Resurrection Of The Dead Sail Diver Man

My NEW Compressor will allow me to be my self again ! 

Divers do A Lot Better  !

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012



Viajo pelos mares, 
em busca de teu porto.; 
dias e noites passados 
em busca do alento 
do seio que alimento 
com os beijos do regresso. 

Seguem as gaivotas, 
aos bandos a me guiar 
apontando as nuvens distantes 
que refletem como espelhos, 
teu corpo que flutua no mar. 

A luz do farol,na noite 
tira-me de rumo incerto 
devolve o caminho 
que hoje navego sozinho, 
pela vida,pelo sonho 
a te buscar. 

Esta brisa que me move, 
também sopra em meus ouvidos 
as velhas canções de amor 
que me fazem flutuar 
que me levam a dançar 
que afastam de mim a dor. 

Longitudes que aproximam 
as latitudes da vida. 
Seguindo as cartas 
que como se na sorte 
vão me afastando da morte 
prolongando meu sofrer. 

Caminhos incertos, 
nesta busca 
sem instrumentos.; 
guiado pelo amor, 
pelo instinto 
e por meus tormentos 

A maldade me corta o peito, 
como o vento que rasga as velas 
fria lâmina precisa, 
insensível aos meus lamentos 
finda os movimentos, 
da viagem que agoniza. 

Afunda o barco 
em mar revolto. 
Naufraga o amor 
acaba o sonho, 
sucumbe o desejo.; 
_ De bom.; 
o fim da dor. 


Ela Nasceu !

Ela Nasceu ! 

As 08:11 em 11 do 09 ela dormindo nasceu.; 
A paz inspirada deu-lhe a tranquilidade invencivel 
De adentrar a vida no sono dos justos, 
com os sonhos dos fortes, com a firmeza dos puros. 
Eu a vi mais uma vez e soube com certeza 
ser ela a Vitoria que me faria viver 
Meu momento mais profundo 
meu amor mais coerente 
Que eu existiria dali para frente 
Que como seu pai eu me faria vencer. 

E assim o foi ! 
De vencido, pelas canalhices da vida 
A um lutador tenaz e vencedor 
Que porém nada seria sem a Vitoria que ela me trouxe.; 
Sou grato e apaixonado 
Pai e amigo 
Inconformada distante presença 
Frustado por não poder 
De perto amar 
Minha vida oferecer. 

Sou seu pai, 
quero como tal ser lembrado 
Não quero que a vida te quebre 
Sem que eu possa depois 
Juntar os pedaços 
E te ajudar a vencer 
A juz ao teu nome fazer 
A Maior Vitoria que podes ter 
É a de seres para ti mesma 
Uma Maria Vitoriosa 
Fiel aos seus principios 
Lutadora de primeira hora 
Consciente e coerente 
Vibrante e inteligente.; 
Uma construção sólida 
E sem as vacilações e fraquesas 
Inerentes aos que te cercam. 
Tenha confiança 
Minha filha 
Que o que te digo 
È a verdade 
Que acima da iniquidade 
Existe a certeza 
Da Vitoria Coerente. 

Feliz Aniversário 

Te amo muito !


A Casual Encounter !

A Casual Encounter 

A Glance was all 
To create in my mind 
The visions of dancing mermaids 
The Valhalla and its grandeur 
The painting with in the northern lights. 

A sent of woman 
Dancing in the air 
Brought back in my heart 
A search of a life time 
For the deep knowledge of the sea 
That perpetuated in a pair of eyes, 
Calling me for the encounter 
Of lives, that grown distant 
And in a stoke ok luck 
Found each other. 

In the profane embrace 
The exchange of doubts 
The fear of the obvious consequences 
Appear so intense, 
So vivid 
That almost ended 
What hadn’t begun 
Without a chance 
Without a opportunity . 

It have to have a chance 
To flourish 
To be 
To exist. 

And in a kiss 
Was the pain and fear gone 
Bodies were close to life 
Desires flourish 
And command 
And dominated 
Frenzy of anxiety 
And singular mutual anticipation 
For the flow of life 
That come within both. 

A feeling of satisfaction 
Due to courage 
Pertinent to the search 
To a life of freedom, 
To the acceptance 
That we deserve 
At list to try 
Find happiness and joy 
In the pursuit of love. 

Warm hands touching loneliness 
Making a distance closer 
Generating waves of expectations 
In oceans of life and hope 
Disrupting the old fears 
Planting the seeds of strength 
In the fertile soil of souls 
Under the midnight sun 
Watered by the fjords 
Blessed with a crop 
Of respect and pleasure 
Of singular love 
Born from a casual encounter. 

Happy Birthday 


terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012

My Way


Frozen Butterfly's


 Strandvik : 24/09/2008

 I come through this letter with a attempt to enlightened the Norwegian people and the government of my adopted and loved country about a mistake of grave proportions that is about to be made and its future consequences for the relations between this nation and the country were I was born and have left for ethical reasons and due to its lack of it that I did compensated and found in the Norsk society and its representatives in the actual government: It is a serious mistake to give money to the brasilian government in order to save the Amazon Jungle and it is also a greater mistake to consider the Aracruz Celulose and it’s CEO(?) Mr. Lorentzen as a standard for practices and a true representative of the honorable people of Norway, the actions of that company and of this gentleman and his associates in the cellulose enterprise against the environment, the indigenous people and the communities of free slaves(quilombolas) do speak for themselves and the sound is not the one expected of a country that prides itself for fairness environment respect and the tradition of a man like Thor Heyerdahl; quite the opposite is the reality of what has being done against the Atlantic Forest in the states of Espirito Santo and Bahia in the name of profit and disrespect for the native inhabitants and the universal law of common cense. The company has through the years destroyed what was left in the Atlantic Forest and replacing the stable and coherent environment with a alien and water sucking Eucalyptus going against all the views of scientists, environmentalists and concerned individuals with the consequences of this greed full and irresponsible behavior that has also coasted the live hood and the physical existence of whoever has spoken against the intentions of this group of environment pirates, bribery to officials and murderer are the standard behaviors in order to obtain the land, the complicity and the silence about the ominous crime committed by this company. I could not be silent and allow myself to be blind in the face of the farce that has being presented with a nice package to the Norwegian people, a immoral and despicable lie is wrapped in a pretty lace and shown to the honorable tax payers in order to benefit people that have no moral standards or a minimum of ethics in their everyday business practices. Again I do warned the government of The Kingdom of Norway and it’s people about the high levels of corruption that do prevail among brasilian officials and institutions it is something that will make the loaned money to end up in private accounts as happened before in all occasions when other countries try to offer help to brasilian society through it venal governments: just ask the Japanese Government what was done with the U$ 996.000.000,00 for the end of pollution of the Guanabara Bay! To Mr. Stoltenberg and all the people in Norway that I do respect and consider as examples in all aspects for the world, my idols as a child come from this country ; The Vikings for their maritime abilities’ and courage facing the unknown, Roald Amundsen for the same reasons plus his knowledge of logistics and ergonomic and my intellectual mentor Mr. Thor Heyerdahl for all of the above and his vision and concern for better human relations in search of knowledge and understanding among ourselves and for a less polluted world in all aspects; planetary and individual. I do sincerely apologize for taken your time with this concerns and with the bluntness of my affirmations; and in doing so I do attempt to contributed with the clarification of the misconceptions about the Aracruz Celulose, the individual that misrepresent Norway in the brasilian eyes and in especial to make sure that every ore that is given to Brasil is followed and kept track of it in order to avoided generating illicit enrichment(more) and as it truly will find a way to develop a conscience about environment in the brasilians, enrich the self-knowledge within the society and its future generations and especially follows a tradition in Norsk correction and generosity that do distance this great country of the pirates and colonizers that with their misbehaviors and greed transformed Brasil in this farce pale face and embarrassing attempt of a society . Thanks Alcir Jose Trigo de Souza

Where was Oppenheimer’s Right ?

Where was Oppenheimer’s Right ? 

I wonder as today is celebrated in that crazy and abject Islamic regime of Iran “The Day of Nuclear Technology” were was that lunatic, morally obtuse and reprehensible human being named J. Robert Oppenheimer with his head stuck on when he conceived, developed and created a standard of lunacy that today due to it’s wide spread misuse can destroy the planet and all the life in it several times over; and I must note not only our miserable existence will cease to exist, all wonderful and innocent creatures in it will all disappeared thanks to the stupidity of one inferior and abject specie and its arrogance and inability to proceed in life as intelligent guardians of the planet were we all dwell on. 
“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." ( phrase from the Baghavat Gita used by J. Robert Oppenheimer allegdly as he saw the effects of his conceived doomsday device in the Manhattan project) So if the moron capable of understanding such a poetic and conclusive words new that he was creating death upon the entire planet why he did it? Why did he allowed himself to be used by the American government in Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the pretense of saving thousands of American soldiers that shouldn’t be there fighting and dying any way if the United States ambassador for German J. Kennedy Sr. Lord Chamberlain the British prime minister and other heads of state in Europe would not have allowed or financed a post WWI German to raise another army after the first attempt to rule the world had failed and even worst bowed their heads in subservience to a little piece of shit that they called with reverence Her Hitler; if wasn’t for that there were no Americans dead and there have being no WWII; as about Japan : well if they had being left alone without the intromission in their lives and their economics for greed from the not so great Britain and the USA, it would be very difficult for them to rage war alone against the whole world and as so there would be no need to protect American GI’s from dying in the Pacific in a greater number that the ones that they had being killed already by other American sought wars; and as I go into it the question remains: Why a human being with all that intelligence allowed himself to be fooled by idiots like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and a group of war mongers, profiteers in the blood of young people and peddlers of human tragedy like Oppenheimer’s allowed himself to be ? I do not have a answer for that no other than lack of vision and irresponsibility. 
We know today that inventions are a way to bring human lower spirits and actions; because we also know now that they do attract greed and misusage of them: lets see about Otzi the 3300 year old man from Otzal in the Italian alps and Europe`s oldest natural human mummy found, that was hunted by his fellow cave man and killed because he had a copper axe that was rare and very new at his time and provoked his death by thieves and individuals that wanted to use his invention or owed instrument for purposes unknown and merely questionable as a tool for achieving power. Oppenheimer did not know about Otzi and his saga, but for sure he knew that his new instrument of mass destruction would not be restricted for one usage only; and during his time as he saw the differences between the USA and the Soviet Union grown he tried to control it as head of a nuclear regulatory agency that attempted to restrict the use of a mass destruction bomb capability for peace and as he failed in doing that control he is the responsible one for the stage within the nations and the planet that we inherited with is unexplainable behavior in creating the doomsday devise that threatens our very own existence today and since that first explosion called simplistically Trinity we are in the hands of religious and plain lunatics that through his work can take us to extinction. 
And taking advantage of the subject I do ask were those people are also with their heads on to allow nations that tried to rule the world as German did twice and Japan once to rebuild their army’s and worst to have Oppenheimer’s device as a way for this time if they tri again and in case of losing another time they can just blow the planet away and we and the other species will be the real losers in a situation created by a man that I have no idea were was he right or with the right to expose us to that treat . 

PS : I did not forget the Allah’s imbeciles that can’t wait to get their virgins and being received by the big scum bag with reverence as martyrs ! 

Alcir de Souza 

Anselmos !


(Corporal Anselmo was a trained military operative traitor infiltrated in the democratic resistance movement previously and during the first year of the coup that illegally deposed a democratically elected president; and in order first to steer up the organized groups against it, gain their trust and then betrayed them; he still alive and very well and his misinformation and deceiving techniques are very much in use nowadays)

Again the forces of lie and deceive have done their filthy job and did accomplished their despicable intents; brasilians want again to look in the other direction while the scum in uniform perform and act in a treason matter that do represent their ways and true believes disguise as patriotism and protection of the national interests when what they really want is to get their hands that are most of the time filled with blood of who ever attempts to stop them in their intents and lies to achieve the greed oriented intentions; this time is to get all the precious stones and minerals within the Raposa Serra do Sol reservation and in the process kill the remaining natives that survived their previous attempts.
I have tried to denounce the scheme put together in order to achieve this goal and also to undermine the brasilian president authority as commander in chief of the military forces based in the Amazon area by publicly questioning his very own existence and his policies by the army general that do command the area and by the retired military people that are frustrated with their absolute loss of power and access to rule the civilian population with iron fist as they did from 64 to 89; through the pages of a on line newspaper that flourished in a empire of media during those nefarious days as the mouth for those usurpers and today acts (revolving) as a democratic door to all questionings coming from al walks of brasilian society but in fact is a protector of the powerful and rich in that same society against the real national interests and issues doing what they always did best: censoring as I was all the unwanted truth that were presented for the knowledge of a entire population of unaware readers and citizens that do not know about crimes and acts of treason committed by civilians and military alike under the protection of those dictators and their henchman in the name of national security and for the common good.
I did denounce the participation of dictators and cabinet members in the pillage of national resources; from the gold in serra pelada ( that did disappear), to road constructions(Andreaza the 10% man), minerals and natural resources(Shigeaky Ueky one of the richest mans in Texas, Aby Ackel the minister of justice double as emerald smuggler)the genocide perpetrated against the natives that were in their way with the use of Arsenic, dynamite, infected blankets thrown in them by air force planes, killings as the one called the massacre of Parallel 11 when a entire group of Cintas-Largas was killed by army militaries having being many of them hacked in the middle with a machete after being tied up to trees like animals, to the illicit enrichment of their political support in a congress of paid puppets, thieves, and drug dealers to the very lucrative control of the bets in Brasil’s “Jogo do Bicho” by the son of the last dictator, and of the contraband controlled by the wife of the second dictator, the assault on public money using the development of the country as a justification for and among other enterprises with the purchase from Germany of the “complete” nuclear program without the cooling system and so many other despicable ways to divert public money always supported and protected by those criminals transvestites as country protectors and with tactics of dissimulation and creation of diversions were the public is taken to believe that their national safety is at stake, and the only ones there to save them are those traitors, sellers of the country.
Brasil and its people are always like Africa in the eyes of the original colonizers and the neo ones, our riches are our disgrace, the rich and powerful countries see us as they do the black continent; a source for their enrichment and the grandeur of their motherlands, for them we are not worthier of what we got so for centuries they do take from us without scruples or limits, all societies had their economies based in what we got: diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver, all natural resources and labor force; slaves yes the human traffic was the bases of several economies in Europe and in the USA and in those days they always counted with the helpful and servile traitors within the societies to lead them in the right direction to the mother load always counting with personal benefits and crumbs; lots of crumbs; that happened in the past centuries since the 14th and perpetuated to the past one with after the 1960’s when the political domination was based in a ideology war and its lies; we got caught in the middle of it and many of our people died in the name of a freedom that wasn’t, and Anselmo prevail for 25 years making us victims of our own selves and making richer all the other countries involved in that farce; we had our brasilian military trained in the Escuela de Las Americas, a terrorist forming madras for torturers, murderers and other military scum for sale and without scruples that had students like Manoel Noriega dictator and drug lord of Panamá and they were directed in their vial actions against the people of Latin America especially Brasil in concentrate in the ones that do not bow at their whims by CIA and among the operatives detached one Vernon Walters, murderous and dangerous terrorist, a double agent that also worked for Dow Chemical and oil companies always interested in taking for themselves what was suppose to be for the strengthened of a nation, the build up of a Society the construction of Brasil.
And as always with those international terrorists come the coward support of the domestic ones, all in their blood stained uniforms parading for the oblivion and demised of a entire country, torturing, killing, disappearing and giving away our riches our resources; Jary Project from Daniel Keith Ludwig, Millions of acres of land for ranching, logging, mineral exploration, bio piracy and unknown projects of USA based companies like Dow Chemical and many others all done with the complacent eyes of the usurpers of our future; the years went on and so the technology, and most recently the cherry on the cake when was attempted by a scum bag name Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg to create a Guantanamo technological in Brasil and no one of the today outraged generals open their mouths against it; and as reprisal from the USA for not imposing their will we got all of the technicians involved in the VLR project in Alcantara space base( the almost Guantanamo, was saved by ancient slave communities called Quilombolas)) killed by possibly a Puebla class ship that did started the ignition process while the involved technical staff were transferring highly flammable fuel to the vehicle in the launch pad engulfing it in flames and explosions that did follow it.
Now is the Oil in the deep sea that are not kept for the future but sold as lots for international companies; and minerals of a next generation like caciterite and niobium and lets not forget the always tempting diamonds that by coincidence are abundant in that previously mentioned reservation as well those new minerals; so the next generation of military that now wants their part in the pillage, started a campaign to undermine common cense and as a good traitors they create turmoil and rage within the society against the natives in order to receive the prize: the control of the area witch was just awarded by the weak president Lula after being confronted by the manipulated masses to give credit to the lies spreader by this Anselmo promoted to the rank of general; and as a result all the killings will proceed against the natives with the cover of a lie that established that international interests and troops are at work to take the Amazon and its riches from brasilian society that in fact never had it and will never have it any way.
So and because of that I was banned from participating in the on line comments in the O Globo news paper; my denunciation of this plot to take from Brasil what is brasilian and continue with the ancestral killing of the native groups was enough for them to get read of me as they did; and without resistance to their intents they will continue to act against the original owners of it all; but in their case the end of their lives are inexorably at stake.
Congratulations general “Anselmo” Heleno you did it again!

Alcir de Souza

Diving + McDonald = Death


Diving + McDonald = Death ! In a recent trip to the Greek island of Crete I did unfortunately break one of my important rules about diving and as I already knew it was a great mistake to go against my firm and consubstantiate believes and professional knowledge in order to attempt to fit in the world of tourism and alleged fun: and it did ended up in a very sorry and sad circumstance; somebody died ! Before I continue with this I do have to present myself; I am a retired deep sea commercial diver with 25 years of experience and have worked for all 25 years (with a five years military experience as a “Nageur de Combat”)for a big company in the oil industry and was record breaker at 313 meters; a vast and profitable career that did not end in a sorry note and allowed me to continue diving now exclusively as a pleasurable experience; and I also in my51 years of existence(10 in the USA)I never entered in a McDonald or similar fast food franchise! That said I do continue to describe the situation as I started; in Crete after a few days of basking with some irritation in the sun, my wife show me a prospect about a diving outfit that seemed at first site a way to get me read of that monotonous and frustrating sun basking situation with the obvious inconveniences for a married man at the beach in a Greek island at the peak of the summer(no one deserves it);so I went against my disbelieve in those kind of “entertainments” and went to the office of the tourism company and booked a day of diving pleasures as sold in the advertise brochure; I should known better when the diving agent called me later in the day to request a change in my date “due to weather changing possibilities” something that was not noticeable or was in the yr.no that had a prevision of excellent weather and no sea variations in the Crete area of the Mediterranean sea but in order to fit in I did accepted to go a day earlier and so as the Murphy’s Law: When looks like it’s going to go wrong it certainly will! As the bus stopped to pick us up(my wife tagged along)at the hotel I started to see the outfit as it was; the driver was a kid with a very Greek way to drive, he stooped along the way to pick up a colleague that as her words had a great vodka night and was still with “wings”(if you know what she meant)so the fun journey continue with a couple of stops along the way to take more people for (later I did found out)diving classes within the “franchise parameters”; as we arrived at “The Diving Center” I was received politely but arrogantly by a gentleman that I had being previously informed was a “EX British Commandos” (a pause: when I booked the dive I did informed about my experience as a commercial diver)that decided to spray some testosterone to show me who was the big cheese in there, the male dominant and all that BS from the military; he wile looking at my certificate said that he did not recognized it due to the fact that I was not “from the franchise” he did not knew what was; it is a international deep sea divers certificate written in three languages including English stating that I am a deep sea diver and have in it my medical details including a note about the bends and as such that I am certified to dive at any franchise level. We checked the equipment and I saw why the date had really being changed; it was due to the number of people on board of the boat: a Zodiac with a hard top and a center engine capable to take between 8 and 10 people ended up taking 12: ten paying divers and two instructors; the “Testosterone Commandos” and the owner of the franchise; and away we went! The other reason to do that dive for me was to try a new mask that I did bought with a camera and a filming device so I could take pictures and film wile diving till 5m or 15ft;so I was not planning with that group and my equipment limitations to do a more serious dive as the one I found out was planed for that fatidic day ;was allegedly a 20m dive and later on the second part of the day a cave dive between 12 and 18m; I looked at my fellow companions and got worried about something like that with that group: they did not seemed to me the personal to go as planed at the depth spoken to us by the so called instructors I did not trusted any one of them at that level of diving; one mistake of simple minutes over 331/2 minutes at 20m and you are risking yourself to bend and as I saw there was no chamber or medical support at hand and at time; so the person with the bends could get irreversible consequences or as it happened due to the circumstance and the amateurisms die! To make a long story short after 40min of navigation we went on into the deep and it was a beautiful place, visibility about 70m good temperature about 20° , we were divide in duos and everything was well; my old and fatefully depth gage watch told me that we were at 23m and going down to 25m so I started to signal to my partner to go up and suddenly I started to suck for air; looked at the pressure gage and was ok in air about 1500psi but I was really sucking hard for air so I signal for my pal took his octopus and started to ascend; as I got to the surface I looked around and we were far a way from the boat and a surge started to get me out for open waters; I did got myself a swim and went to the rocks near by so I could get my self together, rest a little and proceeded to get back to the boat; as I was on the rock I saw that tree other duos had surfaced and they looked also without air on the bottles; the “instructor” come to me and offered me help to get back witch I accepted : and we swim together to the boat not without him trying to “show” me the correct way to use the regulator from his octopus: witch I refused to take in consideration; as we approached the boat I saw a commotion and someone floating belly up as we got close I saw a very bad and recognizable scene :some one had pasted out and was unconscious I taught; and as we got together to get him on the boat I did put my finger on his neck and ;nothing in there; he was heavy, definitely over weight for his height and as we struggle I again try to feel his blood pressure and nothing: so I knew then and there that that man was DOA he was really dead. When we put him finally on board the resuscitating procedures started; my double a French young man and the instructors did the CPR on the man; one of them with a cell phone contacted some one somewhere in Greek language and I was asked to help the other divers to get on board witch I did; everyone else were nervous, worried and panic has already started especially with the dead mans(no one new then except me)son; a young Finish that was having a especial day with his Finish father when all that happened; a real tragedy that hopefully will keep him a way from those fake Mcdiving adventures for a long time if not for ever; I did told him to calm down because everything was being done and his hysteria would not help his father and fortunately that worked and he calmed down a little and stopped to scream; I told him to go to the bow of the boat which he did ; the French guy was totally dedicated to resuscitate the man what was more a injection of hope for the son that his dad would survived that: in vain I knew, but at least would keep him calm; after all the equipment and the counted personnel were on board we started a 25min trip to a place were we were told a ambulance would be waiting for us then with the time that took to get the man from underwater to surface(I believed between 4 and 5 minutes)plus to get him on the boat and started the CPR another 8 to 12 minutes plus the time to get to the ambulance everybody(except his son)had realized that he was inevitable and irreversible dead ! As we arrived to the place took about another 15minutes to the ambulance driven and accompanied by two of the three stooges got close to us; the damn thing was a piece of junk and had only the stooges and a portable broken bad; nothing else no equipments for resuscitation (nor had the boat)a shock machine, medicine for heart attack like adrenalin or nitroglycerin absolutely nothing so I taught that man was better dead then had to go to a suffering time to inevitably afterwards die! we struggle to get him from the boat to that vehicle and as I looked as his dark brown face and neck and purple lips I if I had have any would have no more doubts about his condition; besides all that tragic comedy that was unfolding the owner and some Greek guy with a funny v shape swim suit started to argue and after this nonsense we took off back to the dive center and the son went alone in the ambulance with his dead father ! Here as it was: 1 -All was wrong from the beginning because the victim when we were all asked about our diving experiences and number of dives he did said that he had 8 dives; I do not believe in a system that allows someone with that few dives to be allowed to go down to 20 to 25m;as it was stated by his son in despair that his father had complain of pain in the right arm in the night before; something that he obviously omitted(pretty much like everyone else would in a pleasurable time with his son in a futile attempt of not spoiling the trip as he obviously did after all)like smokers lie about smoking and etc… in that flimsy questionnaire that we had to fill up with clear and obvious intention to protect for insurance reasons the Mcdiver Center.(which the desperate boy had given after in a attempt to help with information’s just gave them a chance to exit themselves from responsibilities; The name was “HEART ATTACK”) 2 - If the man had a heart attack as was stated by the instructor so why there were no assistance(resuscitation equipment) in the boat or in the vicinity, or a helicopter for immediate support, why took us so long to get him to a ridiculous help(even with him already dead as he could had not had being he would certainly would become) 3 - If he had a heart attack even with some previous signals that he hided could not the final failure have being precipitated by lack of air like four of us went through? If so why his equipment was lost in the mixing with all of the others why wasn’t it separated for police investigation(because is bad for tourism business so it would not be one: heart attack and that’s all he went back in a box to Finland with his son in the airplane most like traumatized; and the rest of the family in there waiting for the return of the happy travelers also! 4 -As soon we arrived at the McDive center we were separated from the “students” in there most like to not traumatize and screw up the next victims(customers); I did noticed that among the new students(victims) were two kids that look like 10 or 12 years old I was astonished (I found out later that the McCenter franchise allow dive training at the age of 10)at the craziness of someone give and authorize a 10 years old to use diving tanks it is in my opinion irresponsibility and greed hand to hand to kill. 5 - We’ve got without asking a full refund and were immediately driven back to our hotels and that’s the end of my knowledge about watts happened afterwards with the boy, his dead father and the McOwner assistance or absence of it; we were not informed or asked to give information to the police or no one ever for that mater. 6 - Two days later I did went to the office to get my money back and meet with one of the other guys we took time to recognize each other due to the Mcrelations created on that trip; he was with his wife and we talked a little about the fact when the lady on the booth confirmed the obvious: the man had died and the cause of death was heart failure! no mention about enquiry or questionings about the fact and how it could had being avoided or about the boy and his tragic trip back home: no satisfactions at all ! CONCLUSIONS: I am radically opposed to diving be associated with fast food; to do such is a mere and irresponsible way to make money; diving is not for every one! and being coherent with that line of thinking I did not certified (even if I legally could) my older son when he was 17 and under his furious insistence and vast complains; snorkeling and apnea(within parameters and respecting ones limitations)are; I also consider a real irresponsibility to allow kids of ten or any one under the age of 18 to dive using equipments; I do not respect those one week diving fantasia courses, I do not think that it is wise to associate diving with tourism due to the manipulation of facts for economical reasons. I did learn in my 14 months military(I was a civilian then)diving training and also listening to the elders in the profession with whom I did had the honor to work with that the only profession in the world(and out of it)that do compare to diving due to the exposition to pressure variations is the Astronauts one and you do not see kids being sent to space or Nasa selling franchise for Astronauts Courses; diving is very serious business and a very specific and technological enterprise; it is so serious that we do have our own specialization in medicine; “Hyperbaric Medicine” and also those Nasa astronauts when are in training they do their work on absence of gravity underwater under the supervision of professional divers and related personal; so I do not see diving as something that can be served to over to a billion clients; it is to do so a act of greed and deeply disrespectfully irresponsibility and add to all that the inexistence of a decompression chamber and or means to take someone in due time to one make me wonder about the seriousness of such of business. And to set a analogy the consequences of a bad meal in a Mc franchise go from vomit and diarrhea to as worst a trip to the hospital with salmonellae infection or food poisoning; but as diving served and treated as fast food will certainly maim or kill and also can provide you with as that Finish boy saw: a vision of a loved one going back home in a airplane cargo compartment in a lead box ! The name of the Mc Franchise is PADI And the Center is “Paradise Center” in Crete And If someone asks why I did not intervene and act accordingly using my knowledge of all that had to be done in preserving the accident(or crime)scene? My answer is clear and obvious: I was only a paying customer!
 Alcir Jose Trigo de Souza Deep Sea Diving Operations Supervisor (Retired)

A Day of Cowards Becomes a Day for Honoring the Heroes !

A Day of Cowards Becomes a Day for Honoring the Heroes ! 

01 April 1964 / 01 April 2008 

Again as every year I do take some time of my life in order to not let get forgotten this day of fools and cowards that destroyed and seriously or inexorably ended with a intelligent, moral and ethic future of a country and as worst for its inhabitants; as every year that I do so I make a point in attacking the morons of Mourão filho and their tragic descent from Minas Gerais to Rio de Janeiro and irresponsibly seized the power from a legally elected president and in doing so did bow to Vernon Walters the CIA representative and the overseer of the criminal and greedily insane north American intentions for Brasil and for the rest of the world in especial for the Americas that were already plagued by violent psychopaths and idiots at the service of a imperial power that wanted to rule and control the planet without parameters or consequences. 
That said about the cowards; I will talk about the heroes: The patriots and courageous man and woman that gave their lives for the cause of the creation of a real Brasilian society; a honorable and coherent one, not this obtuse and irresponsible bunch that presents itself as it; a society of real citizens of really intelligent and prepared beings; a leap over in social evolution and in strengths for a healthy nation, a great Brazil for great Brazilians; that’s their dream that’s what they did fought and died for and that’s what I am honoring today; I will make clear that they are not forgotten that their supreme honorable and brave sacrifice in the hands of their coward assailants will not be let aside in this day of sadness and half painted trees that is remembered today by me. 
From this day in 1964 onwards we were able to separated the man from the beasts, the brave from the pusillanimous, the grand from the viruses, the true patriots from the pustules for sale and at sold by greed and stupidity; real bravery in the face of huge odds against a construction of a fair and independent nation; a model that could be used by other countries in process of finding their real purpose as a state being the mother of a society as the womb that protected nourished and strengthen then, the breasts that feed their people, the arms that embraced and protect, the heart that truly and strongly loved them and the brain that provided them with a vision of future and teaches how to use the tools to build it. 
Today in this day of infamy and sadness I do take my eyes and my mind to the ones that gave all and received nothing but pain and agony, scorn and insults, lack of understanding and disrespect; unsung heroes forgotten icons of a time when life become a paid commodity privilege of the rulers and their despicable vassals; a period of shame and honor a time to remember only for the braves, only for the martyrs, only for the heroes. 
In the name of those heroes I do bow and honor them, their struggle and their selfish immolations in the hands of despicable cowards and traitors in uniform. 

ALN-Molipo – 72 mortes (inclui quatro justiçamentos) 
PC do B – 68 (58 no Araguaia) 
PCB – 38 
VPR – 37 
VAR-Palmares – 17 
PCBR – 16 
MR-8 – 15 
MNR – 10 
AP – 10 
POLOP – 7 
Port - 3 
The Names of the heroes murdered in the Araguaia warfare; and the victims of the brutal repression that come in the form of torture upon capture and not death upon combat. 

Adriano Fonseca Filho 
André Grabois 
Antônio Alfredo de Lima 
Antônio de Pádua Costa 
Antônio Ferreira Pinto 
Antônio G. Ribeiro Ribas 
Antônio T. de Castro 
Arildo Aírton Valadão 
Áurea Elisa Pereira 
Bergson Gurjão Farias 
Cilon Cunha Brun 
Ciro Flávio S. e Oliveira 
Custódio Saraiva Neto 
Daniel Ribeiro Callado 
Dermeval da Silva Pereira 
Dinaelza Santana Coqueiro 
Dinalva Oliveira Teixeira 
Divino Ferreira de Sousa 
Elmo Corrêa 
Francisco Manoel Chaves 
Gilberto Olímpio Maria 
Guilherme Gomes Lund 
Helenira R. Sousa Nazareth 
Hélio Luiz N. de Magalhães 
Idalísio S. Aranha Filho 
Jaime Petit da Silva 
Jana Moroni Barroso 
João Carlos Haas Sobrinho 
João Gualberto Calatroni 
José Huberto Bronca 
José Lima Piauhy Dourado 
José Maurílio Patrício 
José Toledo de Oliveira 
Josias Gonçalves de Sousa 
Kléber Lemos da Silva 
Líbero Giancarlo Castiglia 
Lourival Moura Paulino 
Lúcia Maria de Sousa 
Lúcio Petit da Silva 
Luiz Renê Silveira e Silva 
Luiz Vieira 
Luiza Augusta Garlippe 
Manoel José Nurchis 
Marcos José de Lima 
Maria Célia Corrêa 
Maria Lúcia Petit da Silva 
Maurício Grabois 
Miguel Pereira dos Santos 
Nelson L. Piauhy Dourado 
Orlando Momente 
Osvaldo Orlando da Costa 
Paulo Mendes Rodrigues 
Paulo . Pereira Marques 
Pedro A. de Oliveira 
Pedro Matias de Oliveira 
Rodolfo de C. Troiano 
Rosalindo de Sousa 
Suely Yumiko Kamaiana 
Telma Regina C. Corrêa 
Tobias Pereira Júnior 
Uirassu Assis Batista 
Vandick R.Pereira Coqueiro 
Walquíria Afonso Costa 

The Innocent Peasants Killed 
Epaminondas Gomes de Oliveira 
José de Oliveira 
José Ribeiro Dourado 
Juarez Rodrigues Coelho 
Osmar Pereira Santos 
Sabino Alves da Silva 

Saiba mais 
A história da Guerrilha do Araguaia 
por Criméia Almeida 
A repercussão da Caravana ao Araguaia 

O processo dos familiares contra a União na OEA 
Os guerrilheiros 
Os militares 
Os cemitérios clandestinos 

Alcir de Souza 

I have Lived and Still Kicking !

I have Lived and Still Kicking ! 

I have had a great life in most of those fifty years of my presence in this world of so many beauties and greatnesses and abundant in ugliness and mediocrity; I am a fortunate individual because I do believe that my beginning in life with the parents that I had was bound to failure and disgrace to pain and agony as it started in my early days; but as everything in my life I was from the point that I did took charge of my own life rewarded with illumination and openness that was all that I needed to grow and recreated my self as I was able to do many times and in many different circumstances that made me a constant evolving human in all aspects of the evolution process. 
Never claimed to be perfect or had being all the time correct; I am never the less more asserting than the majority of the people I know and distant of them I am sure and conscious of mi errors and in doing so am more able to correct myself and consequently proceed in my true quest not only for growth but excellence in the process of evolving. 
As I did learn: or you do pursue evolution by recognizing your errors or you are bound by repeating them incessantly and obnoxiously towards a inexorable regression, and I found out by observing my fellow travelers that’s something that I will not do; as a searcher I did have my moments of doubt and weakness especially when I was questioned about my taught, my views and actions by a majority of persons involved in that moment in time with me; it is obvious that a person is induced to question one self when the sounds of voices multiply and overdue the one that you have a undutiful obligation to always hear above all: the common cense one ! 
And that’s the voice that I tried to hear always, through all my life even when against my own I did try to face common cense as the obvious choice; and by these apparently easy observation I guided myself in the most obscure and dangerous moments that I did put myself through; from life in Brasil during a dictatorship were my views, positions, believes and actions could have taken a young life to a end to the days of search and discovery as a individual, an creator a visionary and in a time of darkness a true renascence man, through my very fortunate but clearly dangerous choice of profession that took a brasilian young man and professional to travel the world and discover so much and so many great things that open my mind and made me a cosmopolitan human being; and beyond my war days as a military and a combatant in wars that I did not started but fought for end with all means at my disposal and with my up most will to survive and live to see another day and enjoy it and not have any pains or doubts about the ones on the other side that did not lived to do it. 
I am a extremely well constructed fifty years old man I did excided, fought and win when so many gave up and died just because they did not believed in themselves; possibly because they couldn’t they were not build of the same material that I was forged in; perhaps they could not endure the pain an the agony that a defeated ; is clear that their search was stopped by the surrounding darkness wile my was brightened by it self; I do not care much for defeat, I can fall down like everyone else, I have my weakness in abundance but the more I go down the more I inspire myself to stand up and crush the weakness within by defying limitation and failure; by being tough with the only person that really maters at those moments: MY SELF; because without Alcir I do not exist, without me I am just another body waiting for the inevitable end without have really lived, without have let a mark in the existence; and that I do know that I did . 
I am shamelessly proud of all my accomplishments, I am truly honored by being a fighter that I am and also for have had the courage to apologize for my errors that hurt some and for correcting my courses when needed; that’s why I am here today writing this compliment to the only person that I could really count with in all the moments of my life; the only one that trusted me and never let me down and when I did needed; helped me to get back on my feet again; Thank you very much; without you I most certainly would not be in here proceeding with this unstoppable search for evolution: 
Again (Tussen Tak) Thanks ! 

_ Alcir Jose Trigo de Souza 

In The Name Of.... ?

In The Name Of.... ? 

I am tired of all that has being done through out the times in the name of "GODS"; does not mater the name you give to them they always attempt against humanity, intelligence or human common cense, people are always victimized by the intransigence and in many cases physical violence perpetrated by the ones that assured that only they have a direct line with the only real one farce that they do worship and try to impose by any means to the rest of us. 
Today the Muslims are the insane perpetrators of the great majority of obnoxious and criminally insane acts of (sic)religious violence and as such are again bringing unrest and fear to all others that do not believe in Sharia law, Allah and in their ways of worshiping violence and Jihad against infidels that are not part of their obtuse ways; i cant agree with people that base their lives in the expectation of being stepped over by a stupid mob walking around a rock, with people that want to cut throats or blow up including themselves all the ones that do not share their medieval and limited believes that included a coward assassination of groups or a cruel and insane murder of individuals like Theo Van Gogh and also the beheading of kidnapped people like Matthew Stannard, Nick Berg, Kim Sun Il, Paul Johnson Jr, Joseph C. Phillips, Faisal Bodi, Kenneth Bigley just to mention a few because there are many, many more; those zealots of Islam are also responsible for the insane fatwa’s against the writer and Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Aly and the infamous Khomeini one against Salmon Rushdie due to his book Satanic Verses that if you read the Koran there are verses that have to have being written by a devilish creature worshipers: 
From the Koran ! ( A book of a loving religion) 
_ Surah 4 Verse 56... Those who have disbelieve our signs we shall roast them in fire, whenever their skins are cocked to a turn we shall substitute new skins for them; that they may feel the punishment vainly Allah is sublime and wise . 
_ Surah 4 Verse 89 ….They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do and thus be on the same footing as they . So take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah; but if they turn renegades seize them and kill them wherever ye find them, and take no friends or helpers from their ranks. 
_ Surah 8 verse 60... Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able of gathering to strike terror; to strike terror in the hearts of the enemies of Allah and yours enemies. 
Surah 8 verse 39... Fight them until there is no dissension and the religion is entirely Allah. 
Surah 47 verse 4.… Therefore when ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them bind a bond firmly on them. 
Those words do not strike(yes)me as from a peace loving religion, they do not come from a view that belong to a twenty first century understanding of life and with respect to other ways; in fact this is a Neanderthal or middle age form of criminal dictatorship and a lunatic attempt to imposed a monstrous unanimity. 
I also cannot agree with sick sadist masochists that revere a roman torture wood instrument were not only one wise man was killed and also the nails that hold him in it and the spear that “mercifully” finished him off instead of breaking his legs, but for that matter were forgotten hundreds of thousands of defeated foes that were also crucified as example and for the grandeur of the Roman empire that today houses the Catholic church and a pope that was associated as head of the church’s branch that nowadays represent the once bloody and criminal Saint Inquisition; and other popes that did enjoyed themselves in the practice of Jewish elimination, incest, child molestation, pederasty, declaring war against Muslims for personal gain, acceptance of the slavery system, the destruction of civilizations in the new world for a mere profit and the impersonation of religious intentions, support of immoral dictatorship regimens, do business with the Italian Mafia and the scandals that involve the Archbishop Paul Marcincus and the Ambrosiano Bank, silence facing the atrocities of the Nazis in WWII, the assassination of a pope that threatens to give away the treasures and all riches to the poor in the world….. And the list of iniquities goes on and on within the history of the Roman Catholic Church. 
I do in the religions despise also the oligofrenyc morons that support with ten per cent of their usually miser earnings a group of faith manipulators and religious con artists that attach their expertise to a book that is not know its origins but its intentions are very clear and obvious and do come to a strong attachment to profit power and ignorance and the perpetuation of fear and hatred through also the sale of lots in heaven with a view to god; that’s as far as I can go with those idiots and their manipulators. 
And my final analyses through this obscene world of religions I have to write about a religious group that appears have never learned how pain, suffering, discrimination, injustice and confinement hurts to the ones subjected to it all; and the Jewish people are without a doubt the ones that were persecuted since the beginning of times enslaved and victimized by civilizations and governments; were almost decimated by a Nazi holocaust and even so they do the same to the Palestinians showing that for God it does not mater a denomination or name it is always stupid, criminal, merciless and insane. 
Except for atheists like me. 

Alcir de Souza